Monday, November 21, 2011

Boulevard Brewing Company - Saison Brett

Living in Massachusetts, I often complain to fellow beer friends and my wife that Massachusetts lacks brewpubs that create an authentic beer culture. Although Massachusetts lacks enough brewpubs to create an engrained beer culture (in my opinion), we are blessed to have access to an amazing selection of local, domestic, and international craft beer. A few months ago, this selection grew with the distribution of Boulevard Brewing Company into the bay state area. Found in 1989, Boulevard Brewing Company located in the mid-western city of Kansas City has developed a cult following within the craft beer community. Much of this fawning is focused towards the Smokestack series especially the Saison-Brett.
Saison-Brett has a beautiful golden-straw color with hues of light orange intermixed. The head was very foamy and had great retention leaving very intricate lacings upon the side of my wine glass. As I held the glass against the light, I quickly noticed that the beer was quite cloudy.
This beer has multiple smells. There is a lemon quality with a slight mustiness that reminds me of extremely fresh plucked fruit. Most likely due to the inoculation of the Brettanomyces, but I can't be sure, there is band-aidy or leatheriness characteristic within aroma.
The initial taste of this beer was amazing for two distinctive reasons: SUPER FUNK and expertly balanced hops at the end of the taste. Within this truly intriguing super funk there are subtle complexities of earthiness, lemon citrus and slight peppery notes. One of the most complex beers I have had the opportunity to enjoy.
The mouthfeel is light-to-medium in body with high levels of carbonation. Some people may not like this amount of carbonation, but I loved it. The constant pricks allowed for the subtle complexities to assert themselves in the taste profile.
Saison-Brett is in a league of its own within American saisons. At 8.5% ABV, its alcohol content is high, but is deliciousness is resounding. Due to its high ABV, all you need is one truly amazing pint.
In the words of RandumInk, "It's Stupid Good!".  


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